Laser Cutting

Lasers are some of the most versatile pieces of equipment in a shop.  Columbus Engineering Inc. has 3 lasers that can process a variety of material types, thicknesses, and sizes without the need for tooling.  This provides the ability to process complex geometry and tight tolerances with lower cost.

Amada LCG 3015 AJ 

LCG AJ Series Fiber Laser

The LCG AJ Series uses approximately a third of the electricity required by the same wattage CO2 laser system. It is also three times more efficient with the electricity it does utilize, reducing costs and providing a more environmentally-friendly laser system. The LCG AJ Series does not require laser gas, mirrors, or any other items typically associated with generating a CO2 laser beam. A single fiber optic delivery cable eliminates the need for additional external mirrors. The result is significantly less operating costs and maintenance.

Additionally, the LCG AJ Series can be fully automated with a variety of material handling options designed and manufactured by AMADA.

LCG 3015 AJ









Amada – FO3015 NT MII – Laser

New Laser

FOM2 NT Features

The FO 3015 M2 NT is engineered to meet the high quality and shorter lead time demands of today’s fabricating companies. Features include the new AMADA tuned oscillator from Fanuc as well as spatter free pierce for higher quality piercing in thicker material.

  • Maximize utilization with minimal setup between jobs
  • High speed processing of thin and thick materials
  • Operator-friendly windows-based network compatible control
  • Performance-proven rack and pinion drive system in the X-axis and high-precision ball screws in the Y and Z axis
  • High-speed shuttle table design improves overall machine utilization by externalizing the material setup process
  • Cast iron frame for superior stability
  • Water Assisted Cutting System (WACS™) uses an adjustable water mist to absorb heat generated by the cutting process
  • Cut Process Monitoring for automatic pierce detection as well as plasma detection for thick stainless steel and aluminum
  • SFP (Spatter Free Pierce) function for cleaner high-speed piercing in thicker material
  • Interlocked enclosure surrounds cutting area to ensure safety
  • AMADA/FANUC RF excited resonator provides unmatched performance and reliability
  • Automation ready


Laser cutting plays a big role in day to day operations at Columbus Engineering Inc.


Amada – FO3015 NT – Laser

  • Our FO-3015 is a 4000 watt machine which can process materials: Aluminum up to .375”, Carbon Steels up to .750”, and stainless up to .500”
  • Process sheet range of 60 X 120
  • Dual shuttle design for more green light cutting
  • Our FO is equipped with WACS cutting, which helps control heat while cutting for tighter tolerance in thicker plate.






Amada – PULSAR LC2415 NT– Laser CutterPULSAR Laser

  • We have one PULSAR that is a 4000 watt machine, the other is a 2000 watt Materials: Aluminum up to .375”, Carbon Steels up to .500” and stainless up to .500” (cutting info for the 4000 watt machine)
  • Process range 60 X 244
  • Our 4000 watt PULSAR has a 6 shelf automated material tower.  This allows us to run this machine “lights out” with zero human interaction.  While the machine is running, it keeps us updated with its progress, or the occasional error via email.  (link to automation page)